What do I do? In it, he had archived messages where hed been talking to a very young (21), pretty girl from his country, sending her way more hearts and kisses and compliments (he told her shes beautiful and gorgeous) then he ever does me and he asked her in a regular pic she sent why she wasnt naked. (deleted texts between them, etc). What tracker did you use for his phone? Recently my husband is visiting Hong Kong. Why do you suspect your husband is cheating what are the signs hes lying to you? Thank you, Once infidelity and that type of dishonesty occur in a relationship, it is difficult to ever feel secure or fully trust that person again. You can read more about me. the really take note of how exactly many profiles he had out there. (I regretted trying to overdose on pills and called poison control for help.). People getting married. he s always teasing me and comparing me with other gals. I hope that helps. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. And most importantly stop accusing him and telling him everything you know. If monogomy were natural, then why would so so many people cheat? I havent told our kids about this other baby cause I feel its not my responsibility to do so. I looked at him and with a heavy heart I said okay. How to Find Out the Truth. On the one hand anything Ive brought up hes addressed. He denies bit I know for a fact he is helping her get into the house by keeping me occupied and distracting me vivdont fall for it anymore but I do know when something is going on. Found that out cause of the phone bill. Dont let your husband take your power! Now, my husband is trying to secure a job position for her in the same company where he works, probably because he wants to see her more often. Let me ask you something Teresaare you on a lot of narcotics? Again Im 8 months pregnant he claims to be sorry. It crushed me and sent me into a very bad depression not only was my husband cheating but I had also found out 2 weeks prior that a good friend had been murdered. I got answers a little more then him, I confronted him and told him she told bla blah. Trying to rebuild trust after an affair seems impossible. In his audience, 30% of women think their husbands were lying about cheating, not everyone knew for sure. Which I can see why because I did rage pretty bad. Here for the kids. Affair Strategies for a "Long Game". When I suggested that monogomy was unnatural by no means was I trying to imply that what I was suggesting was factual or applied to everybody. Confrontation has two goals - the truth itself and . So please, for your sake and the sake of your fertile eggs, look for the red flags and DO NOT MAKE EXCUSES for his bad behavior. Hes offering to go to therapy by himself as well as with me. buy a gps on ebay .. $40 and the monthly subscription to track it is only $10 .. and/or put a sound activated recorder in his vehicle .. you are married so youre allowed. My boyfriend is having more than 7 girlfriend. I confronted her by text. I dont believe the things he says he wants to improve on because its now Aug 2014, almost a year since i found out all the crap that came out over the months of Nov and Dec 2014, he doesnt plan romantic wkends, he doesnt talk to me much and when he does, it feels like excuses for why he doesnt do anything not enough money (which is BS) not enough time, what do i do with the kids, im tired, i work a lot, etc etc. Coz I feel as if I know you. So here is my story. Im not sure why Im with him. Its easier to hope and wish that hes not cheating, and to obsess about the words and actions that make you think he is lying and cheating. I found out he had been cheating on me while we were courting and funny enough he never stopped.each time i confronted him ,he came out very defensive and made me feel like i did not know what i was saying. I also later learned she was his ex, and he had at one point during when they were dating wanted to marry her. She is right.follow that feeling 2 inches behind your belly button. Even though I can see that he is trying to repair the damage that he has caused, Im so fearful of finding trust again in our relationship. *didnt knwo i could get pregnant* apparently he has a daughter he said died a few days after she was born which i know for a fact is lie but he is sticking to his story, the same about the girl from NC he said he didnt have sex with her. Is it even possible to have him fall in love with me again, or should I leave and give up on him ever loving me again? I first saw him 20 plus years, never spoken to each other. I mean who goes on there honeymoon and leaves his new wife in bed well your down at the bar getting drunk with another woman and going for a walk on the beach. My husband went into treatment after being arrested for getting drunk and being abusive. When he was drunk and would say those things i thought hes just drunk it will all be better tomorrow. My instincts tell me that he may be cheating but I cant figure out how he would have the time. Second time,.. 3 days after my birthday I check his phone again, theres a picture of some girl he claims to know from the Firehouse since he is a firefighter as well. Its his king Baby having a self-pitious tantrum.til he gets his way again. I even caught him and his woman making out in the back of our buildingNext day he ask me whether I was going to tell his wifeU c I know his familyHe put me in his mess, since I went to high school with his sis-in-lawand I still stay in touch with herO, did I tell u, he assault me 3 years ago.to make story short I told his wife..they went to the police to filed charges of hassasment, which later dismissed.I do not regret telling his wife.2 months ago I sent him a letter, he try to use the letter but it backfire, which force him to tell his wife of his cheating throughout the marriage.in the end I have the last words.why the wife stay is a million question. Part 3: Denying Your Reality. I learnt recently that my gut, my intuition is really strong, and that I pick these lying meneven though Ive spent years with different named men.with the same self-centred format of having the woman at home, looking after the kids, the home, earning the majority of the money.whilst the men swanned around pretending to be important!! Lets go and support them. Yes, it will be horrible to hear but, when it comes to unfaithfulness, its best to know everything. Why? So i tip-toed into bed and he left to work that saturday morning (i know he does this) I was very ill that day, so decided to stay home all day and cook and clean for when he gets home. Help for healthy relationships for women and men, on a popular love blog. Paper conversation turned into i miss you and love you/ wanting you back i guess he wanted to feel wanted and needed by this women. Heres an article to help you trust your instincts because I really believe thats the first and most important step to figuring out if your husband is lying about cheating. I dont get it. Like me, Im certain, you too never imagined something like this would ever happen to youLets try our best to be strong for ourselves, as well as one another. I want to find out if he slept with her but dont know how to go about it. 7 Reasons Why Your Boyfriend Stopped Calling and Texting, Is Your Husband Using Facebook to Cheat on You? What do you want your husband to know about how you feel about the texts hes sending his ex? Trust me, what this dumbasses doing is just one little page in the entire book of your life. I lied to him once about having sex with an ex because my ex is black and he had a problem with it. i have been only married for a year and my husband is bi-sexual since he started this new job he has been giving a female coworker a ride to work even though she lives right down the street from their job but it is cold outside but he always calls her or text her after i leave for work. Youre too good for that man! Once while he was gone I didnt hear from him for 3 days. I found blond hairs on his sweater that hung on the back of his office chair at home. o.k. there is a buildup some where where tension is making him seem very low. I think talking to someone who is objective in-person, not online is the best way to work through feelings of suspicion, hurt, rejection, etc. For women, in the face of all other variables, its still the relationship that is the most important predictor., Milhausen cautions against misinterpreting or overemphasizing the studys findings. And no woman should suffer from a man like that. Then I went to his office and conveniently his American Express bills were not in the files. Your history? some people cheat because its accessible nothing youve done wrong. I believed and trusted him. One of the problems with cheating is that its a slippery slope. He knows I know. She was just someone he got on with. My prayer is that you know and accept the truth, and that you find ways to move forward in your life. I saw chat between him and this girl (from the same last duty station country), they try to meet up several times. He has done meth, weed and huffing . Whether youve been married for a year or committed to each other for 20, its confusing and painful when trust starts to slip. Abuse goes both ways ladies. Im not happy. Part 4: Failure to Grieve. so i confronted him about it and he suddenly get angry. however when I filed for divorce everything turned against me. I, too, would recommend you run. I have tried speaking to my wife about it many times but her attitude is what we did before was the past and what we do now is how it is and deal with it. My little boy is 7 months now and my husband has not brought up his list to me again but then the other night he was very quiet and when I asked him what was wrong he said he did not want to talk about it because nothing ever changes. We have a baby of seven months, he started cheating after the baby was three months old. It seems to me the unpaid labour of a year was an affair. He tells here is sorry and to please not tell me. Am i being crazy for over reacting? This time he says i told her on her other facebook page which isnt on my facebook that I have a woman and to leave me alone but she just wont stop. We talked about it and he said, that yes she did come over, but they are just frinds. He said this girls relatives were there and they spoke for 15 minutes or so. S O S Please help me :(. My heart goes out to you, and to myself .. heck, to ALL of the women on this board .. there IS life after this type of devastation, and the only way out of this insanity is to cut off all contact, and Heal. Even worse is that the authorities didnt believe you; instead they believed your lying husband. Money makes a man cheat I believe. Hi Im 28yrs old and my husband is 27 . Yesterday I wrote him a letter. God gave me my sex drive. Well, if your spouse is cheating on you really better to divorce him. In your case, thats not what I got from what you described. I confronted him and lied and said that someone saw him at the hotel. Yet however she probably thinks Im cheating on her because she read rubbish like this.. so sad so sad this world looks for too much advice and is too gullible when they receive and never question what is presented to them instead of theorizing and attempting to figure out things first hand. does it really matter if you find out if he really cheated? Cheating starts with friendly online flirtations, emails, texts. I dont know if your husband is lying about cheating, but there certainly hasnt been alot of honesty about what hes doing. He strongly denies sleeping with he and she confirmed via sms to his number which she thought she was responding to him that he was talking crap. Hello folks, reading many thoughts of. The same country he was last stationed, so he could get his stuff and orders. I have been married for 17 yrs and found out about a year and half ago that my husband had two different women emailing him pictures of themselves naked. I hurt and want to get away from him. I just dont know what to do or think anymore. He said hes faithful to me. If a man is dirty enough to cheat on you.. Im 37 I was married for 10 years to a man that I realized wasnt my forever love. When I was cheated on I also wanted to know all the details. Vickie, you already know honey. Lately though up until now he doesnt try to even hardly make a move to sleep with mehe never makes out with me unless we are doing it. Thank you for your comments. You do say he takes long drives but he might just need to get away from you if you two are arguing or you are giving him a hard time. It turned out to be one of his ex-girlfriends and she had something she wanted to share with me. Come back anytime, and let me know how youre doing! I know these arent healthy reasons to stay, but knowing he has Narcisstic Behavior Disorder, makes it easier. As much as we woukd like to give back what we got, some of us just cant . Your friend sounds like he was the cheater all the time..In my opinion he will cheat on you too ,Most men play the victim mentality card on too another victim,you. Protect that location. If you think your husband is cheating, youre picking up on important subconscious clues. Please try to remember that in your heart you know what is right, and people who do bad things (like your father) will try to confuse you. I pray that God gives you the strength that you need to succeed in this situation. Talk about someone you know who has been cheated on and how she felt and what she went through. He said okay. May you be true to you. hire a private investigator to spy on him and get your proof. I never forgot his birthday. The fact is that hes given up on trying to make things work. You need substantial evidence. He obvious does not have intent to stop. I hoped if I did not confront him, and just asked him about the clothes, the truth would come out. His problem is he is constantly suspicious of me and waiting for me to pay him back even though I have assured him I wont. So I need a bit of help. Send him packing! Do you trust God or a Higher Power to take care of you, love you, and give you the life you deserve? She only comes around when he is there and I found out he called her phone and was on there for almost and hour. This is not the first time that Ive caught him texting/ flirting with other women. Especially since you were battling cancer, and needed all the love and support we could give you. You sound like me I went and am going through this. It hurt. An ultimatum isnt even in question. I think of all what i read is reality and it happen i just want to share with others.anything of you want to do trust your instings and act ones. we all deserve to live and be loved. As someone who was cheated on, I know all too well the pain, humiliation, and, at least in my case, the feelings of worthlessness that came with it. We had almost no physical intimacy (holding hands, kissing, etc) 4. I feel as if every day hes lying to me nowim so paranoid, but i dont show him that. Ever, even when we were on the outs. Never jump in a car and head to a friends house though, youll be in too much of an emotional state to drive safely. I wish I have known, I spent 3 years with himI feel stupid to trust him and every maneven though telling his wife makes me feel better but Im not there 100%. I was wondering if I should just leave him now or wait until I have concrete evidence? It brought back so much pain that I was trying to recover from. My son begs me wait til he is in mid teens to leave his father, but am so misable. Im just tired of all this ugliness and wished there was more love in the world. May you be wise and clear-headed, and may the curtain of desolation and despair be lifted from you. I dont know what to do. My husband continues to lie to me and I am not sure what is real and what is fake with him. When id try to clean up the room i saw all the things of her ex. When I confronted him about that he laughed saying I was over-reacting. You never really stated just how you feel though so I cannot be sure. I have trusted my husband and the female friend that works with him in his buiness for 10 years. have there been questions asked? I really dont need this crap in my life and this is not at all what I had signed up for. Its such a long story, but I will try my best to be consise as possible. My depressive thinking is letting me down when I feel cornered. I just cant imagine him actually having an affair. His kids love me, i do everything for all of them. Hes a piece of garbage.we get it. He deleted the account because they have each others phone numbers. Heres an article that may help you see your marriage and your husband more clearly: https://theadventurouswriter.com/quipstipsrelationships/how-do-you-know-if-he-really-loves-you/, Its called How to Know if He Really Loves You.. I dont know what to do and its driving me insane to always be wondering whats going on. Now he is talking to this girl he sees at work who babysits his bosses kids. All the Best. And it is true, what goes around comes around. I think you know the right answer. 12 hiurs later I found an unfiltered message on Facebook from his mistress. Now my husband has gotten angry, mad in our conversations. At first I thought nothing of it. The first few years we were together, he usually leaves his phone lying around the house. Im such a bright educated woman yet Im so alone. On the other hand something still feels off. No Im not. Classy right. I dont see us ever getting merried, because hes never there for me, or our son. I hope you have family close who can help you make a new start. My husband started cheating when I left for a job. Its sad the authorities only think he wants to see his son and that I must be the problem since he was beating me. This doesn't excuse, condone, negate, or make you forget what Henry did. then the spuse would not have to cheat. He flat out tries to lie and deny but I know better. How can i trust or get him to admit. my questions are, is he cheating or not? He wouldnt talk to me for 10 days. From June of last year to March of 2011, he lived and worked in a different city. I hope they help, and welcome your thoughts. whats wrong with men these days? The study involved 506 men and 412 women who reported being in monogamous sexual relationships lasting from three months to 43 years. She relpied by saying she didnt think he could have friends that were girls. Dear H, Yes, who did you hire?I walked into my husbands office unexpectedly and saw his phone under a file. He has just destroyed himself in so many ways. six months ago, i bumped into his whatssap conversation where he was telling a lady that can he come and show her his big blah blah blah. If your husband really is cheating on you and lying about it, it is better to leave him. I dont get it. I asked him about it after we left, but he said that they work together and that he has never had a conversation with her about me. He put other people first. He said she was a long time friend and he was only talking to her because her father had recently passed away. Anyway, since I pretty much put an end to my husbands relationships with these vile ppl in his life, Ive been on my gaurd about his activities away from me. I know what he did but he wont ever admit to it so why dont you do us both a huge favor and message me on facebook. Hes lost a lot of weight. I plan on divorcing him and wont waste any more time with someone who has no respect for our marriage. We are having major problems and are going to separate in the next month or sohave to wait until the lease is up. Could he have Aspergers Syndrome? I cant tell you how you should or should not feel. The internal struggle , the tug of war between disgust-rage-pain-humiliation- rejection and fear- love- desire- want- need is enough to kill you. This doesn't mean he doesn't like you. Taken at face value, this research might seem to just support sexual stereotypes: Women are just concerned about the relationship, and, for men, once a cheater, always a cheater, regardless of their relationship. I never lie and always tell her every time. I was so deviated. So we move in with each other once againeverything seems okay. This was the best way for me to have found I had the facts. They don't want to hurt them anymore than they already have. My children had such an unpredictable childhood and the guilt and shame I feel now only adds to the pain this man has caused me. We got married back in 2006 and went on our honeymoon. I have found inappropriate texts on three differenct occasions within the three yearsmost recently one which asked on October 21st husband: have you bought your ticket to las Vegas yet? I forgave him for that because we were not a sure thing just yet. I want to stay with him, but am afraid he did sleep with this woman. He was actually married when he approached me although he didnt disclose this. But I did find a really interesting book about men who cheat, and I wrote this article: Is He Cheating? AMEN. If you know you tend to be aggressive while arguing there is a big chance to lose your control after getting to know that your significant other is not an angel (but a human with their weaknesses). When, she had the baby I saw it and it looked similar to my husband. I dont even like saying that because I think its sneaky and deceptive, but women have found out about affairs that way. He is not a nice man. The Holy Spirit will reveal all things. Misses her told another she is hot and another told him I love you from ages ago but says there all friends he works at a bar 4 nights a week ten mins away coming home 2 hrs after it closes. There is something going on. u deserve much better. What is your gut telling you about what you should do next? fights fought? My husband is in Mexico hes been there these past 3yrs now. I know this because I caught him making out with a woman in his car outside a bar 2 years ago. We went to marriage counseling for 2 months, he started to believe in God, would pray together.but has since stopped. Smells of a narcissist . and mind you, there is a differance between lying, and keeping something a secrate, we should all have the right to keep a secret, so dont force your man to lie about something, and worry about whats really importent (is he committed to raise a family with you, will he provide a home, and be there for you and your kids). Participants were asked to report on demographic variables such as religion, education and income. So we figured me moving in with my brother would be a good in between until we could get a place (alone) together. Family, few close friends and of course my husband. The red flags seem to always be explained away somehow and its my paranoid mind that is inventing all of this. What do I do now? I know this sounds crazy after all these years but i keep thinking about it and really dont know if he is telling me the truth or not. But i have to let go.. He lied to you about his relationship with the other woman (its not just work! What do you need to change, in order to be happy? Im constantly being harrassed when I do go out. I asked him who this was. I wnt back to by flat close the door and start crying becouse i loved the dam man, few minutes later he followed me i told him to leave me alone and sort out my problem out, he beg he is sorry he was just ashmed of himself i should forgive him. This has been going on since Spring of 2010, the suspicions. Yes, you will struggle financially and your heart will be broken because you have to let go of someone you love. Most but not all! I cheated one weekend in retaliation of a hooker episode 15 years ago, and never did it again. Nope!!! Why does a girl writes to you that she is missing you by sending a picture of her drinking and partying. Really? When my husband returned I had every intention to confront him about it, but I just couldnt. She would critesise me on things likeIf i see someone doing somthing wrong and I talk to her about it, she replies with something els I did wrong. Honestly, it does not feel natural. Your subconscious is picking up on hints and signs that youre not consciously aware of and that is a far better predictor of his lying and cheating than my advice will ever be. We did fall on hard times. Healthier offspring are produced and thrive more. He is always helpful when people need it, no questions asked, just does because they need help. I know love can withstand the test if time. Ways to move forward in your life men and 412 women who reported in... Be sure are just frinds Calling and Texting, is your gut you. In with each other going through this from you spoken to each other once againeverything seems okay I. That is inventing all i know my husband cheated but he won't admit it them over, but I know these healthy! Gets his way again that its a slippery slope us ever getting merried, because hes there. Of us just cant imagine him actually having an affair I lied him! Not confront him about that he laughed saying I was over-reacting comes around investigator. 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Why Did Anthony Howell Leave Foyle's War, Articles I