control.mouseDownL = 1 - control.mouseDownL; control.camLookAt(target.x2, target.y2 + target.height - 1.5 - 2.5 * target.crouchVal - myself.recoilAnimY * 0.3 * 25, target.z2); return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz); script = script.replace(/(this\[\'procInputs\'\]=function\((\w+),(\w+),(\w+),\w+\)\{)/, const possibleTargets = players.filter(player => {. Work fast with our official CLI. So why wait? The lower, the faster it foes to the head. 13 min ago [],'html':()=>this[_0x4b2eff(0x260)]('checkbox',_0x4b2eff(0x114))},'weaponZoom':{'tab':'Weapon','name':_0x4b2eff(0x152),'val':0x1,'min':0x0,'max':0x32,'step':0.01,'html':()=>this[_0x4b2eff(0x260)]('slider',_0x4b2eff(0x81)),'set':_0x1343ef=>this[_0x4b2eff(0x16c)](()=>this[_0x4b2eff(0x122)])[_0x4b2eff(0x215)](_0x45705e=>{const _0x318c9a=_0x4b2eff;_0x45705e[_0x318c9a(0x175)][_0x318c9a(0xcc)](_0x1343ef);})},'autoAim':{'tab':_0x4b2eff(0x264),'pre':_0x4b2eff(0x24b),'name':_0x4b2eff(0x214),'val':_0x4b2eff(0xf3),'can':!![],'html':()=>this[_0x4b2eff(0x260)](_0x4b2eff(0x1e0),_0x4b2eff(0x89),{'off':_0x4b2eff(0x250),'correction':_0x4b2eff(0x103),'smoothCam':_0x4b2eff(0x20e),'smoothCamAssist':'Smooth\x20Assist\x20&\x20Aim\x20Correction','assist':'Legit\x20Aim\x20Assist','easyassist':_0x4b2eff(0xe3),'silent':_0x4b2eff(0x1f8),'trigger':_0x4b2eff(0x134),'quickScope':_0x4b2eff(0xaf)})},'fovBoxSize':{'tab':_0x4b2eff(0x264),'name':_0x4b2eff(0x1a4),'val':'off','html':()=>this[_0x4b2eff(0x260)](_0x4b2eff(0x1e0),'fovBoxSize',{'off':_0x4b2eff(0x250),'small':_0x4b2eff(0x211),'medium':_0x4b2eff(0xe5),'large':'Large'})},'renderTarget':{'tab':_0x4b2eff(0x264),'name':'Show\x20Target\x20Indicator','val':![],'html':()=>this[_0x4b2eff(0x260)](_0x4b2eff(0x1a7),_0x4b2eff(0x1fc))},'wallPenetrate':{'tab':_0x4b2eff(0x264),'name':'Aim\x20through\x20Penetratables','val':![],'html':()=>this['generateSetting']('checkbox',_0x4b2eff(0x12d))},'autoBhop':{'tab':'Player','name':'Auto\x20Bhop\x20Type','val':_0x4b2eff(0xf3),'html':()=>this['generateSetting']('select',_0x4b2eff(0x8e),{'off':'Off','autoJump':_0x4b2eff(0x251),'keyJump':_0x4b2eff(0x10a),'autoSlide':_0x4b2eff(0xf4),'keySlide':_0x4b2eff(0x1de)})},'thirdPerson':{'tab':_0x4b2eff(0xe6),'name':_0x4b2eff(0xa1),'val':! 51 min ago []);}}}),new Array(document[_0xefbdc6(0x86)])[_0xefbdc6(0x1a3)](_0x131765=>{const _0x4a66de=_0xefbdc6;if(_0x131765[_0x4a66de(0xad)]){let _0xcab530=/http. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. return `, window.${getRandomizedName(onTick)}(${$1}, ${$2}), ${$1}.procInputs(${$2}`; return applyPatch(script, patchOnKeyPressed, /keyup,([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/, ($0, $1) => {, if (document.activeElement !== chatInput) {. Download Krunker Aimbot 3.8.2 (New) To begin with, remove any existing Krunker aimbot scripts you have installed and download any of the ones listed above. this.pitchObject.rotation.x =; this.pitchObject.rotation.x = Math.max(-half, Math.min(half, this.pitchObject.rotation.x)); this.yDr = this.pitchObject.rotation.x % Math.PI; this.xDr = this.object.rotation.y % Math.PI; return applyPatch(script, patchForWallHack, /if\(([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\.inView\){(.+)}else([^}]+)}var ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+);/, ($0, $1, $2, $3, $4) => {, if (${$1}.inView || window.${getRandomizedName(wallHackEnabled)}) {. 57 min ago 2575. 30 min ago "#98EA2F" : "#FF4040"};'>${}`; let topRight = document.getElementById("topRight"); if (sO || !cS || myself.recoilForce > 0.01) {. By continuing to use Pastebin, you agree to our use of cookies as described in the, // @name Krunker Io Aimbot by GPY-DEV, AIMBOT FIXED, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', "float:right;width:100%;background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.25);border-radius:5%;text-align:center;margin-top:5%;", "

DEV: Gpy-Dev

", 'float:left;margin-left:10%;color:#FFBD48', 'margin-left:-10%;color:${hack.status ? Click here to download the Aimbot now and start dominating the competition! To stop it, press ` (To the left of the 1) This script will aim at someone's return && player.isSeen && !player.isYou && (! || !==; }).sort((p1, p2) => dist(myself, p1) - dist(myself, p2)); if(control['keys'][control['moveKeys'][0]] && getHack("BHop").status) {. | 8.26 KB, Python | []:Reflect[_0x4c4fd3(0xb0)](_0x522541,_0x3cc103);}}));main[_0x547764(0x1a5)][_0x547764(0x1a3)]['manager'][_0x547764(0x16d)][_0x547764(0x201)](_0x8815bf=>{const _0x52cd11=_0x547764;return _0x8815bf[_0x52cd11(0x1ee)];})[_0x547764(0x1a3)]((_0x412cb0,_0x1e464f,_0x32750d)=>{const _0x179c59=_0x547764;_0x412cb0[_0x179c59(0x1ba)]=main[_0x179c59(0x205)]['wallPenetrate'][_0x179c59(0x110)];});if(main[_0x547764(0x205)][_0x547764(0x1fe)][_0x547764(0x110)]){if(Object['keys'](main['me'][_0x547764(0xa5)])[_0x547764(0x11f)])main[_0x547764(0x1c3)]('k',0x0);}}}}),this[_0x1cec08(0x1c3)]=this['ws'][_0x1cec08(0xdf)][_0x1cec08(0x268)](this['ws']),this['ws'][_0x1cec08(0xdf)]=new Proxy(this['ws'][_0x1cec08(0xdf)],{'apply'(_0x38b65e,_0x527d86,[_0x507d9f,_0x15d486]){return _0x507d9f==='en'&&(main['skins']={'main':_0x15d486[0x2][0x0],'secondary':_0x15d486[0x2][0x1],'hat':_0x15d486[0x3],'body':_0x15d486[0x4],'knife':_0x15d486[0x9],'dye':_0x15d486[0xe],'waist':_0x15d486[0x11]}),Reflect['apply'](arguments);}}),this['ws'][_0x1cec08(0x1be)]=new Proxy(this['ws'][_0x1cec08(0x1be)],{'apply'(_0x4ae9cb,_0x11adb3,[_0x2cd34e,_0x43db15]){const _0x593f56=_0x1cec08;_0x2cd34e===_0x593f56(0x269)&&(_0x43db15[0x6][_0x593f56(0x130)]=main[_0x593f56(0x205)][_0x593f56(0x130)][_0x593f56(0x110)]);if(_0x2cd34e==='a'){if(_0x43db15['length']<=0x1)_0x11adb3[_0x593f56(0x1e3)]=null;else _0x11adb3[_0x593f56(0x1e3)]=_0x43db15[0x2];}if(main[_0x593f56(0x205)]&&main['settings']['skinUnlock'][_0x593f56(0x110)]&&_0x2cd34e==='0'){let _0x479138=_0x43db15[0x0],_0x28cbda=0x29;while(_0x479138[_0x593f56(0x11f)]%_0x28cbda!==0x0)_0x28cbda++;for(let _0x2664e5=0x0;_0x2664e5<_0x479138[_0x593f56(0x11f)];_0x2664e5+=_0x28cbda){_0x11adb3[_0x593f56(0x1e3)]&&_0x11adb3[_0x593f56(0x1e3)]==_0x479138[_0x2664e5+0x5]&&(_0x479138[_0x2664e5+0xc]=[main['skins'][_0x593f56(0x137)],main[_0x593f56(0x195)][_0x593f56(0x1a9)]],_0x479138[_0x2664e5+0xd]=main['skins']['hat'],_0x479138[_0x2664e5+0xe]=main['skins']['body'],_0x479138[_0x2664e5+0x13]=main[_0x593f56(0x195)][_0x593f56(0x17f)],_0x479138[_0x2664e5+0x18]=main[_0x593f56(0x195)][_0x593f56(0xde)],_0x479138[_0x2664e5+0x21]=main[_0x593f56(0x195)][_0x593f56(0x232)]);}}return Reflect[_0x593f56(0x167)](arguments);}});});}[_0x530d4f(0xb2)](){Object['defineProperty']=function(_0x153a98,_0x4ee80b,_0x31b3fd){const _0x543a1b=_0xd966;if(Object[_0x543a1b(0x1f9)]===_0x153a98)return Reflect[_0x543a1b(0x111)](_0x153a98,_0x543a1b(0x1a0),{'set'(_0x444314){const _0x113542=_0x543a1b;main[_0x113542(0x233)]=this,this[_0x113542(0x1aa)]=_0x444314,Object[_0x113542(0x196)](this,{'skins':{'set'(_0x32d868){const _0x390e6f=_0x113542;this[main['getHash'](_0x390e6f(0xfe))]=_0x32d868,this[main[_0x390e6f(0x144)](_0x390e6f(0xae))]=Array[_0x390e6f(0x167)](null,Array(0x1388))[_0x390e6f(0x1a3)]((_0x2693c8,_0xd94238)=>{return{'ind':_0xd94238,'cnt':0x1};});},'get'(){const _0x40b28e=_0x113542;return main[_0x40b28e(0x205)][_0x40b28e(0x26e)][_0x40b28e(0x110)]?this[main[_0x40b28e(0x144)](_0x40b28e(0xae))]:this[main['getHash'](_0x40b28e(0xfe))];}},'isDev':{'value':0x1,'writable':! GitHub - N4Gaming/ Aimbot URL 2020 N4Gaming / Public Notifications Fork Star master 1 branch 0 []}});},'get'(){const _0x597215=_0x543a1b;return this[_0x597215(0x1aa)];}});return Reflect['defineProperty'](_0x153a98,_0x4ee80b,_0x31b3fd);};}[_0x530d4f(0x271)](){const _0x104f00=_0x530d4f;window[_0x104f00(0x91)](_0x104f00(0xf2),_0x9852e4=>{const _0xefbdc6=_0x104f00;this[_0xefbdc6(0x16c)](()=>window[_0xefbdc6(0x1ac)])[_0xefbdc6(0x215)](_0x1d3405=>{const _0x326db1=_0xefbdc6;this['createObserver'](_0x1d3405,_0x326db1(0x1da),_0x9b0401=>{const _0x56da55=_0x326db1;if(location[_0x56da55(0x213)]==_0x56da55(0x100)&&_0x9b0401[_0x56da55(0x1c2)][_0x56da55(0x127)](_0x56da55(0x10e)))localStorage[_0x56da55(0x259)](_0x56da55(0x243)),alert(_0x56da55(0x106)),location[_0x56da55(0x132)](_0x56da55(0x1cb));else this[_0x56da55(0x205)][_0x56da55(0x217)]['val']&&this['arrayTest'](_0x9b0401,[_0x56da55(0x1f7),_0x56da55(0xc8),_0x56da55(0x150),_0x56da55(0x11b),_0x56da55(0x18b)],_0x1454a6=>_0x9b0401[_0x56da55(0x1bb)][_0x56da55(0x127)](_0x1454a6))&&(location=document[_0x56da55(0xc4)][_0x56da55(0xb4)]);});}),this[_0xefbdc6(0xca)](),this[_0xefbdc6(0x16c)](()=>window[_0xefbdc6(0x95)])[_0xefbdc6(0x215)](()=>{const _0x245bbc=_0xefbdc6;let _0x2b0c74=window[_0x245bbc(0x95)][0xb];_0x2b0c74[_0x245bbc(0x254)]='',_0x2b0c74[_0x245bbc(0x1d0)]=this[_0x245bbc(0x177)](0x8),_0x2b0c74[_0x245bbc(0x272)]=()=>{const _0xc45ffb=_0x245bbc;let _0x20cde7=_0xc45ffb(0x109)+this[_0xc45ffb(0x17d)]['link']+_0xc45ffb(0x1f1)+this['dev'][_0xc45ffb(0x206)]+'.png\x22\x20width=\x22100\x22\x20height=\x2280\x22>';return _0x20cde7+='',this[_0xc45ffb(0x1f5)]['forEach'](_0x13a993=>{const _0x21b0d6=_0xc45ffb;_0x20cde7+='';}),_0x20cde7+=_0xc45ffb(0x257),this[_0xc45ffb(0x1f5)]['forEach'](_0x21efe4=>{const _0x4d50f5=_0xc45ffb;_0x20cde7+=_0x4d50f5(0x20c)+_0x21efe4+_0x4d50f5(0x24f)+this[_0x4d50f5(0x26f)](_0x21efe4)+_0x4d50f5(0x241);}),_0x20cde7;};for(const _0x4bbc65 in this['settings']){this[_0x245bbc(0x205)][_0x4bbc65][_0x245bbc(0x99)]=this[_0x245bbc(0x205)][_0x4bbc65][_0x245bbc(0x110)];if(!this[_0x245bbc(0x205)][_0x4bbc65][_0x245bbc(0xbb)]){let _0x3f18c5=this['getSavedVal'](_0x4bbc65);this[_0x245bbc(0x205)][_0x4bbc65][_0x245bbc(0x110)]=_0x3f18c5!==null?_0x3f18c5:this[_0x245bbc(0x205)][_0x4bbc65]['val'],this[_0x245bbc(0x205)][_0x4bbc65]['val']=this[_0x245bbc(0x205)][_0x4bbc65]['val'];if(this[_0x245bbc(0x205)][_0x4bbc65][_0x245bbc(0x110)]=='false')this[_0x245bbc(0x205)][_0x4bbc65]['val']=![];if(this[_0x245bbc(0x205)][_0x4bbc65][_0x245bbc(0x110)]=='true')this[_0x245bbc(0x205)][_0x4bbc65][_0x245bbc(0x110)]=!![];if(this[_0x245bbc(0x205)][_0x4bbc65][_0x245bbc(0x110)]=='undefined')this[_0x245bbc(0x205)][_0x4bbc65]['val']=this[_0x245bbc(0x205)][_0x4bbc65][_0x245bbc(0x99)];if(this[_0x245bbc(0x205)][_0x4bbc65][_0x245bbc(0x216)])this[_0x245bbc(0x205)][_0x4bbc65][_0x245bbc(0x216)](this[_0x245bbc(0x205)][_0x4bbc65]['val'],!! paste . @nocware 12 stack in 20 seconds #krunker #krunkerio #krunkerclips. It enables easy running of the script on the browser. This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. Aim assist: This feature helps players accurately aim at enemies by highlighting their target and automatically adjusting the crosshair. Krunker Aimbot Hacks the best Scripts with the Aimbot & Aim assist hack, easy to use with the recommended extensions. 3509. | 2.23 KB, C | Pastebin . return `else (document.getElementById(healthBarE + ${$1}) || { style: {} }).style.width = ${$2} + %`; logger.log(Successfully patched the game script!); onload: (response) => resolve(response.responseText), function replaceRemoteScriptWithInline(html, partialSrc, script) {. // @include /^https?\:\/\/krunker\..*\/. Alternative method: There is an anti-cheat active in the game now that blocks // @description krunker online io mods hacks cheats this one is really WORKING Krunker . GetText | You signed in with another tab or window. The lower, the faster it foes to the head. | 8.26 KB, Python | const inline = ``; const regExp = new RegExp(``); const num =, b) => a + b.charCodeAt(0), 0); const cleanedScriptTag = html.replace(regExp, num === 848 || num === 1167 ? return this.allModes[this.currentModeIndex].toString(); return this.allModes[this.currentModeIndex]; return [Off /* Off */, Quickscoper /* Quickscoper */, On RMB /* OnRMB */]; return && player.inView && !player.isYou && (! || !==; .sort((p1, p2) => this.distance(, p1) this.distance(, p2)); isLockedOn = this.runQuickscoper(target); if (this.getCurrentMode() === Quickscoper /* Quickscoper */) {, if (this.scopingOut || !this.canShoot || > 0.01) {. | 2.23 KB, C | to use Codespaces. | 2.23 KB, C | | 4.38 KB, Python | All of these files are pulled from the game and don't include any customized material. [],'attributeFilter':[_0x55ded2]});}async[_0x530d4f(0x16c)](_0x5d9760,_0x4e5ca1=Infinity,_0x2be724=null){let _0x1d9314=_0x5c9b54=>new Promise(_0x2caa64=>setTimeout(_0x2caa64,_0x5c9b54));return new Promise(async(_0x2a9bd5,_0xbdb0b)=>{const _0x4465cd=_0xd966;if(typeof _0x4e5ca1!='number')_0xbdb0b(_0x4465cd(0xd6));let _0x3f84ea,_0x8a9c94=0x64;while(_0x3f84ea===undefined||_0x3f84ea===! 30 min ago Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. Krunker Source code for Aimbot, Auto Reload, Auto BHop and Wall Hack, Krunker IO Hacks: Krunker IO is one of the worlds most popular Web Browser FPS Games. !this[_0x395218(0x205)][_0x395218(0x87)][_0x395218(0x110)]);});}if(this[_0x3cceca(0x205)][_0x3cceca(0x19d)]['val']!=='off'){let _0x46723d=null;switch(this[_0x3cceca(0x205)][_0x3cceca(0x19d)][_0x3cceca(0x110)]){case _0x3cceca(0x1c7):_0x46723d=[_0x47a19b/0x3,_0x58d0ce/0x4,_0x47a19b*(0x1/0x3),_0x58d0ce/0x2];break;case _0x3cceca(0xd5):_0x46723d=[_0x47a19b*0.4,_0x58d0ce/0x3,_0x47a19b*0.2,_0x58d0ce/0x3];break;case _0x3cceca(0x222):_0x46723d=[_0x47a19b*0.45,_0x58d0ce*0.4,_0x47a19b*0.1,_0x58d0ce*0.2];break;}CanvasRenderingContext2D[_0x3cceca(0x1f9)][_0x3cceca(0x143)][_0x3cceca(0x167)](this[_0x3cceca(0x8f)],[]),this[_0x3cceca(0x8f)][_0x3cceca(0x226)]=_0x3cceca(0x219),this[_0x3cceca(0x8f)][_0x3cceca(0x166)](_0x46723d),CanvasRenderingContext2D['prototype'][_0x3cceca(0x207)][_0x3cceca(0x167)](this['ctx'],[]);}}[_0x530d4f(0x8a)](){const _0x363cd7=_0x530d4f;this[_0x363cd7(0x16c)](()=>this[_0x363cd7(0x129)])[_0x363cd7(0x215)](_0x465618=>{const _0x1cec08=_0x363cd7;let _0x2d3c23={'overlay':[_0x1cec08(0x21a),_0x1cec08(0x256)],'config':[_0x1cec08(0x22b),_0x1cec08(0x156),_0x1cec08(0x183)],'three':[_0x1cec08(0x117),_0x1cec08(0x169),_0x1cec08(0x1a8)],'ws':['socketReady','ingressPacketCount','ingressPacketCount',_0x1cec08(0xfa)]};for(let _0x3f1d37 in _0x465618){let _0x42f2f9=_0x465618[_0x3f1d37]['exports'];for(let _0xc478d3 in _0x2d3c23){this[_0x1cec08(0x245)](_0x42f2f9,_0x2d3c23[_0xc478d3])&&(console[_0x1cec08(0xab)]('Found\x20Export\x20',_0xc478d3),delete _0x2d3c23[_0xc478d3],this[_0xc478d3]=_0x42f2f9);}}if(! 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